Friday, January 21, 2011

New Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus, the thirteenth sign there, says a Chinese proverb: "Tell me and maybe listen, learn and maybe teach me, make me take part and I will."

Henry Francis holder of a history of more than 24 years in the subject astrology and extensive experience and profound knowledge in Astronomy Science, Development and dares to venture into a topic that will be of great interest, which could revolutionize the world of astrology.

Since alter the dates for each zodiac sign, as conceptualized in this article today I offer, based this on the error incurred capital astrology signs that spread to 12 today, ancient astrologers simply wrong to judge the proper way meet their interests and build a zodiacal model, which has lost relevance in the current reality of the facts, maybe you were at your place and at the time, think exactly as they did in their time and within certain constraints, in both assert that the sun elapses thirteen zodiacal constellations along the ecliptic in passing, as claimed by British astronomers, as anyone can confirm this knowledge of astronomy is an exact science.

I think, I think and say, as I said José Pedro Varela, who must educate, educate, educate, always, and this issue should be informing and educating people in a generic way.

We all know that there are people who know the first thing to say is "DO NOT GIVE THAT RESULTS" Criticism and evaluation, while important functions, they hinder the imagination, remember that although at first glance this might seem far-fetched, many of the best ideas of the people all the trash of nonsense.

I know this will create a new zodiac brainstorming, you can review the various options, assessing how well satisfy your interests and those of others.

The alternative "interactive", can be decided and accept the scientific truth of this new astrology or remain trapped in a castle of lies in which incurred the previous 12 astrology signs.

I think that in the hands of secondary teachers is to educate our young children about the errors incurred by actual astrology we read in our newspapers, and magazines and television also.

Note that the sun in its apparent annual turnover in the sky, the imaginary line called the ecliptic crosses in these days of December the constellation Ophiuchus the snake, which is not part of the zodiacal signs, astronomers of the journal ¨ Sciences et
· There was Fri-time and full of ink on the constellation mentioned.

Indeed, they assert the existence of a thirteenth constellation, which almost all astrologers fail to mention, this is not Ophiuchus is a constellation anyone that concerns only 17 degrees, the ecliptic, but it draws on a clear and true way of November 30 to December 17, the sun takes on it about three times longer than in the adjacent constellation of Scorpio as an example.

So today I'm here throwing the old and worn floor obsolete concepts of astrology eaten away by the onslaught of science and art of discovery.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, ¨ The error does not become truth because it is spread and multiplied Sometimes a lie is extended and becomes true for many, this was exactly what happened with the twelve zodiac signs, a big historical lie that became in a castle, but not built on bedrock.

The Bible says that any structure that does not have a good foundation one day be destroyed. This prophesy happen every day, year after year of this century with the astrology practiced by most of our astrologers astrologers soon to be lost, or yes confronted with a new reality.

Marie Curie scientist once said: We stop fearing what we have learned to understand.
Scientists and astronomers as Courderc, Pecker, Meller and Kohler explained at the time this phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes and denounced the ignorance that goes back generations of astrologers.

While Tetrabiblia difference and two zodiacs, one sidereal and tropical areas as professionals rather than the latter the only thing now would serve to provide psychological characteristics, but independent of any stellar explanation is the soul of true Astrology.

Do not forget that the centurion with zodiacal constellations was known in Babylon in 700 BC The call board, Mul Apin mentioned that at that time were 18 known constellations at the time.
Just from the V century BC established the 12 zodiac signs which has remained the same full of errors until now.

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